Archive for April, 2009|Monthly archive page

My Podcasts – Capitol Hill Baptist Church

I apologize for the absence, but there are some things that are more important than blogging.

…so where were we?  My podcasts – Capital Hill Baptist Church.

The first time I heard of Mark Dever was when I happened upon the 9 marks of a healthy church on the internet.  Dever and the 9 marks ministry have been a blessing to me ever since.  This podcast is of his weekly sermons.

Mark Dever heads up 9 Marks ministries, is one of the four men who arranges the Together for the Gospel conference coming up next year, has written and is writing excellent books, speaks at engagements for Ligonier Ministries/Desiring God ministries/Shepherd’s conference to name just a few, runs a pastoral training program at his church, and sits on the council at the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals. Busy guy, huh? Well, he is also the pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in downtown Washington D.C. and so preaches there nearly every Sunday. You can’t find much more consistent and expository preaching than what takes place in the pulpit and Capitol Hill Baptist Church. I thank God for the congregation and it’s leaders.

He is an excellent expositor, committed to biblical exposition in the pulpit every Sunday. Plus, I believe, just about every message he has preached in the pulpit at his church contains a clear gospel message. His messages are challenging and filled with wisdom. He is currently making his way through Revelation.

Dever has a real gift for giving the listener a view of a passage that encompasses all of scripture. He never has his blinders on as he teaches a passage of scripture. His messages always contain a perspective on a passage that fits it into the overarching message of the Bible. It is a real gift.

So check out this podcast and especially pick up the older podcasts so you can listen to the entire series on Revelation.

My Podcasts – The Albert Mohler Program

mohlerprogram-icon1Monday through Friday Dr. Albert Mohler spends a little over 30 minutes commenting, teaching, answering questions, and interviewing a variety of individuals on a wide array of topics on his radio show.  It is produced in Louisville, KY where Mohler lives and works as the President of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.  Mohler is a polarizing figure.  You either love him or hate him for the most part.  He has a lot of enemies, and he has a lot of followers.

I happen to enjoy Mohler’s teaching and writing.  I find it challenging and he always makes me think.  Another helpful thing I find from reading Mohler’s books and articles and listening to his podcast is that he assists me in thinking in Biblical terms regarding the most current of issues and debates.

Love him or hate him, you have to admit that the man is well read and has a giant intellect.  Any person who desires to think like a Christian has to consider Mohler’s point of view.  Any person who wants to be informed about the most debated of moral issues has to consider Mohler’s words.

Mohler’s podcast comes every day so it can be difficult to stay up to date.  The podcast title for the day details the topic of discussion so you can bypass it if you want.  However, I would suggest just listening to the first segment if you don’t care to listen to the topic of discussion because in the first segment Mohler goes over the headlines and offers an excellent Christian worldview perspective on the days latest news.  On Wednesdays Mohler does an “Ask Anything” program, which is always entertaining if not informative.

Tuesday’s program was great as Mohler responded to an article in Monday’s USA Today which attacked the truth claims of scripture.  He offers a brief response to the article, but his brief response will challenge you and help you as you contend for the faith.  So today is good day to start subscribing to the program because it is “Ask Anything Wednesday“, but you should also be sure to get yesterday’s program as well.

My Podcasts – The Whitehorse Inn

In my last post I wrote about my brother’s latest sermon series and the podcast that I subscribe to which keeps me current on his latest sermons.  So I thought I’d go with that theme and post a series on the different podcasts that I subscribe to.  Feel free to comment with any suggestions you may have or podcasts that you find helpful.

White Horse INN Logo

The Whitehorse Inn is a podcast that I think is essential to any Christian with an iPod.  It’s Michael Horton (author of Christless Christianity, which I am currently reading – a book that came out of the theme for 2008’s podcasts on the Whitehorse Inn) and 3 of his colleagues sitting around chatting about theology, church culture, societal trends, and so on.  They always make the listener think and they always bring up the best points on any number of topics.  Currently, for 2009, the theme of the podcast is Christ in a Post-Christian culture.  And this is extremely relevant, just check out this article in Newsweek and see.

This past Sunday (the newest installment comes once a week on Sundays) the discussion centered around 1 Corinthians 15 and Paul’s teaching on the resurrection.  It is excellent and worth the time to listen to.  So if you have a commute to work or you workout with your iPod or have the time to listen to the podcast, it comes once a week and this would be a good week to start.

I would also recommend bookmarking the website – – because they always post helpful articles and book recommendations that go along with the current podcast and you can check out the archives of past podcasts.  Enjoy.

Resurrection Sermons

My brother is a pastor and has preached a great series of sermons leading up to Resurrection Sunday – Dying to Live.  The series is based in 1 Corinthians 15, which would be a great chapter in the Bible to memorize.  You should go and listen to this series of sermons – and his others while you’re at it.  Also, you can subscribe to the podcast that his church produces.   Enjoy.

Dying to Live – The Reality of the Resurrection

Dying to Live – The Necessity of the Resurrection

Dying to Live – The Eventuality of the Resurrection

Dying to Live – The Continuity of the Resurrection

Dying to Live – The Victory of the Resurrection